About me

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Gratitude List

        I am laying on my bed thinking about my life, I sit up look around. My life is great, I have a lot to be thankful for.
My Gratitude List 
2) I am thankful for my family, who are always giving me happiness and love.
3) I am thankful for my friends, who are always there for me when I need them and who always make me laugh.
4) I am thankful for Movies, For always having the ability to be entertained when I am bored.
5) I am thankful for learning, for being able to learn.
6) I am thankful for food, for being able to eat all the different types of food.
7) I am thankful for the roof on top of my house,the one that keeps me dry when it's raining and the one that keeps me warm when it's cold outside.
8) I am thankful for books, for always being there for me when I am bored.
9) I am thankful for chocolate, for always making me happy when I am sad.
10) I am thankful for my life, for being able to live.
1) I am thankful for my health, for being able to run the mile in P.E.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Food, Glorious Food

       I love to eat a lot of stuff and I also love trying out new food. I probably have the biggest appetite you'll ever see. I know I am not the only one that always makes these goals about eating healthy for the rest of your life and then like an hour later you are just like oh cake, where is the chips or, just one more chocolate bar before I get all healthy, trust me I know you do that, and I admit I do it too, a lot. Once I did that and I was like trying to find an excuse to eat junk food, like Oreo has cream and cream has milk therefor it's good for you, actually if you didn't know the cream in an Oreo actually doesn't have milk if you don't believe me google it. I would also be like chips is made out of potatoes that's good for you or chocolate comes from cocoa beans, that grows on trees therefor chocolate is a fruit.  I knew all that stuff was really bad for you but I just wanted to eat them so I would make an excuse for me to eat them.

Image result for Junk food Does that not make you hungry.