Thursday, December 22, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
My Name
My name means loving, loved, and adored, basically my name means love. My name has always been read wrong and it's actually spelled wrong too, it is supposed to be with two "b's" not two "p's". Every time I have a substitute they always say it wrong, I get use to it. I have been teased about my name a lot too, and it gets really annoying. My name is really special because not many people have that name and that is why I love my name.
My Job in School
If I had to have a job at school it would probably be a preschool or kindergarten teacher, because I love kids and I am really good with them also they are adorable and it would be an amazing opportunity to see them learn and grow. I would love to a have a job where I would always see people that I love everyday. I always loved kid and they always loved me I am just really good with kids. I would always read them a story everyday and watch them listen and enjoy the stories.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
My Gratitude List
I am laying on my bed thinking about my life, I sit up look around. My life is great, I have a lot to be thankful for.
My Gratitude List
2) I am thankful for my family, who are always giving me happiness and love.
3) I am thankful for my friends, who are always there for me when I need them and who always make me laugh.
4) I am thankful for Movies, For always having the ability to be entertained when I am bored.
5) I am thankful for learning, for being able to learn.
6) I am thankful for food, for being able to eat all the different types of food.
7) I am thankful for the roof on top of my house,the one that keeps me dry when it's raining and the one that keeps me warm when it's cold outside.
8) I am thankful for books, for always being there for me when I am bored.
9) I am thankful for chocolate, for always making me happy when I am sad.
10) I am thankful for my life, for being able to live.
1) I am thankful for my health, for being able to run the mile in P.E.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Food, Glorious Food
I love to eat a lot of stuff and I also love trying out new food. I probably have the biggest appetite you'll ever see. I know I am not the only one that always makes these goals about eating healthy for the rest of your life and then like an hour later you are just like oh cake, where is the chips or, just one more chocolate bar before I get all healthy, trust me I know you do that, and I admit I do it too, a lot. Once I did that and I was like trying to find an excuse to eat junk food, like Oreo has cream and cream has milk therefor it's good for you, actually if you didn't know the cream in an Oreo actually doesn't have milk if you don't believe me google it. I would also be like chips is made out of potatoes that's good for you or chocolate comes from cocoa beans, that grows on trees therefor chocolate is a fruit. I knew all that stuff was really bad for you but I just wanted to eat them so I would make an excuse for me to eat them.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
My Childhood Favorite
When I was little about the age of seven I had a doll that my friend gave me. The doll was not plastic but kind of like a stuffed animal, except it was tall and skinny with legs almost the size of my shoulder to elbow, and long arms too. She had a big head with hair that you couldn't really play with. I remember I changed her dress with another old doll I had because it got dirty and smelled weird, which was basically how she always smelled. So one day I decided to take her in the shower with me when my mom wasn't home, I knew she would get mad at me, after I was done, the doll was soaking wet and it had a weird smell so my mom later washed it for me the right way. I named the doll Salma, after my friend who gave it to me, I would sleep with her when I got scared and play with her all the time, but as time passed I stopped and would leave her in random places and sometimes forget she is even there. When I came to the U.S I didn't bring it along and now that I remember it I wish I did.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
In Ten Years
In ten years, I will be in college, I still don't know what I want to study in college, but it will be something that will help people. I will live with my parents and my little brother and little sister. I will be an aunt to my older brother and sister's kids. I can't see the future and don't know if any of that stuff will happen but I know that that is what I dream of and what I would like to happen.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Inspiring Quote
This quote is really inspiring because it tells us that you shouldn't care about what people say about you because that isn't the reason you were put on earth. People don't tell you how to look and what to wear. You have the choice for a reason; you choose what to do, people don't choose for you. You aren't going to enjoy your life if you care about what people say. You are not here to entertain them, but to live your best life. |
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